21 #SoAnchorage Holiday Delights, #12, a classic on the big screen

Oh, only the most classic Christmas movie ever, “White Christmas,” on a big screen, on a Sunday afternoon, at Christmastime. Rosemary Clooney. Bing Crosby. Vera-Ellen with her crazy, impossible body and awesome dance moves. It’s playing on Sunday and Monday at Century.


For more holiday delights, go here.

One thought on “21 #SoAnchorage Holiday Delights, #12, a classic on the big screen

  • I had a link to this song earlier, but the rest of the film was in Polish! I remember watching it when I was a kid, maybe 10. I had such a crush on Vera Ellen! At 66 I’d say I had great taste back then. My mom wouldn’t let us play White Christmas in the house because it made her physically ill….it was popular just when she and my dad got married, right when the war started. Even though my dad came home my mother never got over the emotional turmoil of hearing the song.

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